
Tuesday, February 28
  cbs poll suckers

there will be alotta wasted ink about a certain cbs poll which has bush 43's approval number at 34%

[note my personal opinion: it's easy to play with polls, surveys, etc]

the cbs poll is pretty much worthless, as an examination of the methodology reveals a ridiculously skewed sample of 1018 Respondents which included 409 Democrats but only 272 Republicans--or ~50% more Dems. even the 'weighted' sample, which is supposed to even things out, came out to 381 Dem vs 289 GOPers--or ~30% more Dems.
they might as well have asked people at the DNC what they thought of bush

pew also tried to pull similarly sample skewing induced results with a post-hurricane katrina poll

more evidence of the media's "fake but accurate" policy, as cbs news people likely hold a particular belief, so it skews its poll to reinforce that belief. i guess writers aren't the only lazy ones out there

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