
Monday, February 20
  corporate word play

in a move reminiscent of a bad video game a coupla tech megacorporations declare control over a series of letters:

- dell claims absolute control of the word "dell" in a URL--even if it's a guy named 'dell' running a web design biz--claiming big bucks in damages

- seemingly in deference to the mohammed cartoon controversy, yahoo bars the letter combination "a-l-l-a-h". the register gets a tip that poor Linda Callahan couldn't get her chosen id due to 'inconvenience' of her name
Nor will Yahoo! accept yahoo, osama or binladen. But it will accept god, messiah, jesus, jehova, buddah, satan and both priest and pedophile.
unfortunately yahoo's policies appear arbitrary with a major reliance on monetary matters
update: apparently, the exposure of ridiculous arbitrary policies leads to re-evaluation as yahoo lifts the "allah" ban. the callahans are overjoyed

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