
Wednesday, February 15
  covering the cheney hunting accident coverage

chris matthews, with a straight face, wondered "Has the press been playing this down?" despite the facts
"Since the news of Cheney’s shooting broke late Sunday afternoon, ABC, CBS and NBC aired 34 stories on their morning and evening newscasts...."
matthews single-handedly tried to counteract this imagined 'playing down' by devoting the majority of monday and tuesday's shows to the matter. even clintonista dee dee myers dismissed matthews, saying
"I don't think putting it on the front page is burying it, Chris, I think that was an appropriate placement for the story, but I think what's made this a bigger story was, is the incredibly poor handling..."
matthews has been known to be near obsessive about topics like the joe wilson/CIA non-leak/scooter libby story. unfortunately, matthews, his go to reporter and frequent guests are wacky to say the least
(i could get much harsher but won't)

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