
Friday, February 10
  dems gone wild

some interesting actions by maryland democrats recently
- the racial politics is almost expected at this point, as they are seemingly taking cues are from the national level.
- the anti-business agenda evidenced by the override of governor ehrlich's veto of a bill targeting america's largest private employer wal-mart is a bit more...bold.

now, maryland democrats go with 'election reform' [bugmenot login] which essentially gives a wink and nod to voter fraud. the wall street journal's john fund lambastes the maryland deomcratically controlled legislature
It should normally be difficult to pick the worst state legislature in America, but Maryland's is way out in front.
the MD dems passed bills allowing for expanded provisional ballots (voter wherever you feel like it), expanded on-demand absentee ballots, and multi-day voting in the prior legislative session. governor ehrlich vetoed them, but those were overriden by the legislature, disregarding bipartisan comments and critiques of the bills.

after detailing history of maryland voter fraud (including an urban legend regarding edgar allan poe) and the current partisan environment in maryland. fund concludes:
When voters are disenfranchised by the counting of improperly cast ballots or outright fraud, their civil rights are violated just as surely as if they were prevented from voting. The integrity of the ballot box is just as important to the credibility of elections as access to it. The Maryland lawmakers who are opening up new opportunities for fraud weaken the civil rights of all their constituents.

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