
Thursday, February 9
  generating outrage

the danish cartoon mess is quite cringeworthy: the original toons, the violence and the MSM's largely MIA response

Amir Taheri catches up on the situation in the ny post. the cartoons were originally published last fall with some but not much hubbub. taking a cue from western media's fake-but-accurate policy, some imams throw in some phony cartoons along with the ones actually published to stir it up.

in a politically astute move, the Muslim Brotherhood in egypt and Hamas in palestine chose to delay action until after elections in their respective countries to maintain appearances of moderation.

in a unsurprising development, the backlash doesn't catch fire until muslim inciters-in-chief al-jazeera picked up the story. then fellow rabble-rousers iranian leader Ahmadinejad and syria's bassad jump into the mix and the rest is history...or present

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