
Thursday, February 16
  how much does a 'race around the world' cost

with the impending return of cbs reality stalwart (which repeats well) the amazing race (in a new time slot--unwelcome by me due to schedule conflicts), the NY Post calculates the cost of travel and lodging for the route in Amazing Race 7 which uchenna and joyce won:
Between planes, trains, automobiles, rickshaws, boats, horse-drawn carriages, lodging, and travel visas each "Amazing Race" fan would have to shell out around $11,000 to run the 30-day, 40,000 mile course around the world with stops in South America, Africa, India, Europe and the Caribbean. [emphasis added]
and that doesn't include food, sightseeing, incidentals or askidentals (an obsure cosby show reference)

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