
Friday, February 24
  hurry up and slow down

libs, visionaries and enviros have preferred, suggested, demanded movement towards alternative energy. some talk a good game, being for it before being against it.

yet, when a few government leaders like arnold, governor pataki and bush 43 (albeit in a relatively small way) go forward with some alternative energy initiatives, slate's sam jaffe essentially says 'hold up!'. however it appears to be based more in partisanship
Conservative politicians vying to embrace renewable energy may sound like an environmentalist's dream world, but there's a catch.
one of jaffe's major complaints involves the relatively high costs involved in the near term. but costs are always high at the outset. he continues to suggest "big solar" plants with solar panels lined up in a desert--where are the deserts in pataki's new york again?--and residential solar water heater.

essentially, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't

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