
Tuesday, February 7
  i'm gonna be blunt

the liberal-democrat partisans are idiots...

partisans took the opportunity as speakers at coretta scott king's funeral as an opportunity to score politically
[Civil-rights leader Rev. Joseph] Lowery, former head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which King helped found in 1957, gave a playful reading of a poem in eulogy of Mrs. King.
"She extended Martin‘s message against poverty, racism and war / She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar," he said.
"We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there / But Coretta knew and we knew that there are weapons of misdirection right down here / Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor."
Hamas fan jimmy carter was not to be outdone for dragging in a at best tangentially related issue
With Washington debating the legality of Bush‘s domestic eavesdropping on Americans suspected of al Qaeda ties, Carter also drew applause with pointed comments on federal efforts to spy on the Kings.
"It was difficult for them personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated, and they became the targets of secret government wiretapping and other surveillance," he said.
the coup-de-grace was the off-handed launching of wife hillary's presidential candidacy as she stood by her man
The audience showed where its allegiance lay when former President Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, came to the podium to wild cheers and a long standing ovation. He opened by saying that he was honored to be with the other former presidents. Someone in the crowd yelled out, "Future president!" in reference to his wife's possible 2008 bid.
apparently the liberal-democrat jackasses learned nothing from their politically opportunistic takeover of the paul wellstone funeral...and the aftermath

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