
Monday, February 20
  kelo this

state legislatures look to counteract last year's ridiculous US supreme court decision kelo v new london. in the kelo decision last year, a slim 5-4 majority on the 'old' USSC (pre-Roberts and Alito) found that local governments had broad latitude to 'take' private property for 're-development' (read: higher tax revenue base).

the decision was not welcomed by the unlikely coalition of private property fans and 'little guy' defenders (who believed the poor and politically powerless would be disproportionately hurt). one outfit even went so far as to propose the lost liberty hotel on the property of supreme court justice david souter.

the backlash led to action both private and legislative. big money bank bb&t decides against the principle of the kelo v new london decision. several state legislatures take varying method including bans, exceptions and/or financial penalties

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