
Wednesday, February 15
  of public officials and accidents

cobbling together liberal hobby horse, senator hillary clinton complains of a bush adminstration 'pattern' of secrecy (found via it's standard stuff

however coverage of another accident involving a public official merits notice:
in 2001 a senator's caravan disregards a security check point. when a police officer tried to stop the vehicle, he was injured requiring a trip to the hospital.

that senator, of course was Hillary Rodham Clinton...and only a handful of media outlets bothered to cover it
The incident was determined to be an accident, and a misunderstanding. However, besides the Journal News and Washington Times, according to LexisNexis, only the Boston Herald, the National Journal, the Bulletin’s Frontrunner, and the Hotline did reports on this incident.
Compare that with the furor over a hunting accident this weekend: though an imprecise measurement, LexisNexis identified 649 reports since Monday containing the name "Whittington."
to put it into perspective, randy moss got into an incident with a traffic cop with much national press coverage. certainly, a United States senator involved in a traffic incident should garner as much media coverage as a football player

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