
Tuesday, February 21
  press not entitled

republican maryland governor bob ehrlich has had difficulty dealing with the 'big D' Democratic institutions in the state:
- the anti-business, pro-election fraud types in the democratic legislature
- democratic operatives attacking his lieutenant governor

and of course, the press...
when baltimore sun reporter David Nitkin and columnist Michael Olesker went a bit too far in their coverage of ehrlich, the governor issued a blackout against them. the sun tried to sue to force the governor to talk to their guys. wikipedia summary
the white house press corps and news media should've tried that. maybe they didn't because it was a ridiculous lawsuit, which the sun lost [bugmenot login]

olesker incidentally has resigned due to plagiarism charges (which the sun had to embarrassingly report).
talk about lazy writers.
maybe that contributes to the sun dropping the matter

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