AP profiles (found via lucianne.com) P.I. to the stars Anthony Pellicano as he is indicted for some skullduggery. while dropping high profile names like John DeLorean, Garry Shandling, Michael Jackson and Sylvester Stallone, AP leaves out that the clintons hired pellicano with regard to gennifer flowers, according to judicial watch (an organization considered righty despite the fact that its gone after both the clinton and bush-43 administrations)
Legal experts believe authorities will now put pressure on Pellicano and other defendants to provide evidence about high-powered clients in exchange for lesser sentences.a clinton-hater can dream...
If Pellicano eventually testifies, some of Hollywood’s best-kept secrets could be revealed, with the possible fallout ranging from embarrassment to jail time.
"If he does co-operate, it could be a blockbuster," Levenson said.
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