
Monday, February 13
  when liberals attack...each other

while the press, lefties and comedians are all over the cheney hunting accident...back to things that matter...

la weekly's bill bradley (not that one), who previously related the story of big labor and democrats working against solar power for strictly partisan purposes, now covers fighting between liberal-democratic "anchor tenants...the ones who pay the mortgage on the property." (found via mickey kaus scroll past his brokeback fixation). in summing up the failure of arnold's 'year of reform', bradley remarks
"There is no lobby for common sense. There is a lobby for education spending."
kaus sums up bradley better than i could
Bradley summarizes the current, depressing state of California politics: The transportation lobby has plotted a big bond issue "to stop the education lobby from taking money from the gas tax which is supposed to be allocated for roads and highways and other transportation." So the education lobby is plotting with its underlings (the Democrats) to take money away from the transportation lobby's bond issue and divert it to the school bureaucracy. Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez declares education must be the "first priority" for funds "until every child in this state receives a decent education and a fair chance to succeed." Conveniently, there's no danger of that happening any time soon, at least as long as the California Teachers Association is in charge. [emphasis original]
more politics trumping progress

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