
Wednesday, February 8
  who funds these things?

slate magazine through its readers guide-esque science column human nature and its daily today's paper cover "the latest study to debunk conventional diet wisdom" that low-fat diets greatly improve health prospects.
[note my personal opinion: studies and papers can be goofy]

the essential recap is that a low-fat diet alone doesn't get the job done...
The results, the study investigators agreed, do not justify recommending low-fat diets to the public to reduce their heart disease and cancer risk. Given the lack of benefit found in the study, many medical researchers said that the best dietary advice, for now, was to follow federal guidelines for healthy eating, with less saturated and trans fats, more grains, and more fruits and vegetables.
be careful what you eat (saturated/trans fat), eat fruits and veggies, eat in moderation, exercise...
so what's new here...? they needed $415 million to fund this "Rolls-Royce of studies"...?

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