
Sunday, March 12
  err on the side of safety

the blogosphere is buzzing over feingold's appearance on this week with george stephanopoulos, mostly over his lame, too-cowardly-to-go-all-the-way move to censure president bush
reliably lefty raw story has a transcript while think progress (which appears overwhelmed) and crooks and liars have video (although crooks and liars doesn't always know what video means)

however, that didn't interest me much... because that will go absolutely nowhere.

rather this snippet did
You know, I'm not certain it's going to make a difference, but you know, we have to err on the side of safety when it comes to this kind of an issue. We have to make sure that we do everything we can...
talking about the patriot, feingold voted against it twice
talking about surveillance of, that's what this censure is about
this is about dubai ports which even feingold admits "I'm not certain it's going to make a difference" in national security

it's this moronic thought process that led to the sham that is campaign finance reform which bears his name

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