
Thursday, March 2
  media spreads more katrina myths

in the wake of hurricane katrina, media heaped some congratulatory self-praise on itself, even though it quickly became apparent that it was not really deserved or warranted.

the AP and NYT [bugmenot login] continue the media's beloved "fake but accurate" policy (root cause) by going big with the release of a video and transcript supposedly damning to bush 43.

liberal blog crooks and liars smugly posts the vid while the reliably lib NYT includes transcripts before and after the levee break. both of the sources don't seem to realize their 'evidence' contradicts their belief of what the 'evidence' includes.

"top" or "overtop" the levies DOES NOT EQUAL "break" or "breach"...
president bush should not bear responsibility for the poor reading and listening comprehension of lazy partisans.

update 1255pm: watchdog of the lib media newsbusters has more--even with the same "comprehension" bit

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