
Monday, March 6
  pardon my glee

but jon stewart kinda stunk during a boring oscar fest

even those supposedly 'witty' remarks by jon stewart were rehearsed
This being the Oscars, of course, those ad-libs were nothing of the sort. They were all on the TelePrompTer, and most had been tested at one or both of the two run-throughs.
there was even a mad libs-esque comment prepared for either a three 6 mafia win or loss

on the numbers basis, the stewart-hosted show checked in with the second lowest ratings in the past 20 years (as i kinda predicted)
Except for the 2003 count of 33 million viewers — when "Chicago" took the best-picture award — the Oscars hadn't dipped below 40 million viewers since 1987, Nielsen said.
speaking of numbers btw, those goodie bags apparently come with a tax bill

although jon stewart isn't to blame for that

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