
Monday, April 3
  good old fashioned explorers

with the prevalence satellites and the advent of gps, i figured exploration would take a more automated manner. however a group of explorers brave a hardy expedition (found via the uk reg) through croc and rebel infested land to find another source for the nile in rwanda, lengthening that mighty river another 66 miles.
"History has been rewritten," British explorer Neil McGrigor told reporters on Friday. "This is the end of an 80 day amazing and exhausting journey."
The expedition, dubbed "Ascend the Nile", travelled over 6,700 km (4,163 miles) in three boats, tracing the Nile from the Mediterranean through five countries to what they say is its origin.
McGrigor and New Zealanders Cam McLeay and Garth MacIntyre suffered a rebel attack in northern Uganda, which killed one of their team, and overcame a cocktail of testing climates, massive rapids and crocodile charges before reaching their final destination.
The last leg of their journey saw them abandon their tiny boats and trek some 70 km (43 miles) for seven days through thick forest, sometimes being forced to wade in the fast-running Nile waters.
the official ascend the nile expedition website documents a journey which harkens back to stanley and livingstone

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