
Wednesday, April 19
  if you can't join em, beat em

New Scientist 'patent trawler' Barry Fox finds a potential mechanism to prevent ad skipping by tivo/dvr devices (found via the register). electronics giant Philips--which used to make tivo boxes (like my 1999 series1 tivo)--files a patent application embedding a 'broadcast flag' to get the job done.

that would bad news as the commercial load has increased over the years. however, implementation may not necessarily happen as iphilips acknowledges potential 'viewer resentment' in its own filing. also, the tv industry acknowledges tivo/dvr impact (partially in self-interest to bump up viewership numbers). further alienation of viewers would not be welcome.

nonetheless, ad skipping comprises only one of the tivo advantages, as 'time shifting' is another--even in high places (of course andy card may have more time going forward)

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