
Tuesday, April 11
  the media failure

the conservative national review's media blog picks up on a failure of the MSM demonstrated by a gallup poll
[note my personal opinion: it's easy to play with polls, surveys, etc]
The latest USA Today/Gallup poll finds more than 6 in 10 Americans critical of President George W. Bush on the leak controversy.
The more closely people are following the issue, the more likely they are to say Bush did something illegal rather than unethical, though expert opinion suggests that Bush has the authority to declassify information and thus his actions could not have been illegal. The less attentive respondents are more likely to think Bush did something unethical rather than illegal.
if experts maintain bush's actions are not illegal, those who 'follow closely' (presumably through the newspapers and tv news) should know that the president's actions are within his authority--or not illegal.

the MSM has failed to correctly inform those who 'follow closely' the story.
one might believe an agenda gets in the way of news reporting, but, of course, there is no media bias...
perhaps that's why the media is so distrusted

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