
Saturday, April 8
  more congress shenanigans

reading the lead paragraph of a NY Times article [bugmenot login] describing alleged wrongdoing:
As lawmakers have increasingly slipped pet projects into federal spending bills over the past decade, one lawmaker has used his powerful perch on the House Appropriations Committee to funnel $250 million into five nonprofit organizations that he set up.
imply republican misdeeds referring to a time period ('past decade') associated with the the republican revolution and current control of congress ('powerful perch').

however, the culprit is Democratic congressman Alan B. Mollohan...but you wouldn't find that out until the 8th paragraph.
in contrast, the ny times wasted no time pointing out bob ney's party affilition within 6 words when he ran into ethical troubles --even viewable by the select times curtain. but democratic misdeeds often receive much less coverage than republican misdeeds
[sarcastic aside: but there is no media bias...]

further you wouldn't discover the scope of Mollohan's alleged misdeeds
[btw, Mollohan didn't 'pay his fair share' of his taxes when he, um, 'withheld' ~$9000 in taxes from rental income]
until the clever burying tools 'next page' links are followed
Several people involved in the appropriations process said no other lawmaker employed that strategy to the same extent.
Those forms show a jump in Mr. Mollohan's portfolio from less than $500,000 in assets generating less than $80,000 in income in 2000 to at least $6.3 million in assets earning $200,000 to $1.2 million in 2004, along with large mortgage debts.
A review of campaign finance records by The New York Times shows that from 1997 through February 2006, top-paid employees, board members and contractors of the five organizations gave at least $397,122 to Mr. Mollohan's campaign and political action committees.
sometimes being a congressman is a nice racket (2nd definition)

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