
Monday, April 3
  stern misses another bonus

that's my take on howard lashing out at his formerly large-now considerably smaller audience as 'insulting' and 'cheap'. you know the one that helped him get a hamptons houseful of money (details of his cbs radio days compensation)...and a butterface girlfriend.

howard received a hefty $220 million in stock for the sirius subscriber bump
[note: there is legal dispute surrounding this transaction. and that whopping $220mill likely fell with the recent decline of SIRI stock]

the fact of the matter is the last few months of stern's cbs show were tough. his audience already began to tune out as the show became a sirius programming meeting at the same time that stern became increasingly partisan despite not having a great grasp (search 'pentagon' for the stupidity)... all while hypocritically complaining about others' subscription programs

stern did not have an immediate impact on sirius fortunes for a full year. but as mentioned, the 4th quarter and opening month of this year were undeniably good. however evidence mounts that the stern halo effect already dissipated

and don't even get me started on the delusional robin quivers...

all this means that future incentive clauses remain less likely to be met

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