
Friday, April 14
  too black and white

ofter opening strong, fx's black.white limped to the finish line.'s ta-nehisi coates encapsulates major flaws in what it dubs a 'minstrel show': a crazy out-of-it white family and the black family saw everything through the prism of racism. maybe there's some validity to both points, but it was taken to an extreme by all involved.

coates continues that the overbroad nature of black.white harkens back to oscar winner crash, despite some advancements in race relations
But worse is the feeling, in watching both Crash and Black.White., that you could have made both of them 20 years ago and changed only a few lines.
the stock, cliched characters stand in for there stereotypes and do/do not undergo life-altering changes as the show biz people wanted

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