
Friday, May 5
  communism pays

forbes magazine estimates fidel castro's worth at nearly one billion dollars, beating even the queen of england.
not bad for a people's revolutionary!

speaking of places in need of change...
the continent of africa suffers from mind-boggling corruption so pervasive it extends to sports. despite noble efforts to help the continent, its leaders regularly live it up at the expense of the population
Africa's Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of Equatorial Guinea, made the list of wealthiest leaders for the first time. He is estimated to hold up to $600 million, the magazine said, although an oil boom has not prevented his country's slide down the United Nations' development rankings.
meanwhile, while the ruler of dubai (yes that dubai) Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum certainly increased his wealth, the country has benefited as well
Forbes estimates the renowned racehorse breeder also helped raise Dubai's gross domestic product from about $8 billion to nearly $40 billion since 1994 by diversifying its industries outside of oil and making successful investments overseas.
"He would probably be the shrewdest of the bunch," said Luisa Kroll, associate editor at Forbes.
for the complete list, check out forbes' Kings, Queens And Dictators

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