
Tuesday, May 2
  who bears more blame?

with the standard "it's easy to play with polls, surveys, etc" stipulation...

a poll conducted for national geographic finds that many people cannot, among other things, locate louisiana on the map.

but this cannot be...
the media congratulated itself so heartily for its wonderful job of informing the public during hurricane katrina. but the media isn't the only blameworthy institution, sharing the blame with the apparently failed education system. you know the one that appears institutionally opposed to improving

other troubling tidbits
- the dismissal of the 'need to know', especially with regard to international events and geography.
- "30% thought the most heavily fortified border was between the United States and Mexico"
and yet ~500,000 still sneak across that border, i wonder how many cross the korean dmz?
- the poll itself seems set-up to expose these failings in order to plow more money and effort into a "multimedia campaign"
- a coupla of the orgs that would be involved in the campaign include the American Federation of Teachers and National PTA which actually bear some of the responsibility of these woeful results

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