
Friday, June 2
  another inconvenient fact

the Nature article about the arctic hot spot apparently included another angle not emphasized in previous coverage.

there's oil up in that there ice [it was tough to find an accessible article as the ny times article requires registration and the houston chronicle and NYT's IHT strangely scrubbed their articles]
it looks like an agenda creeped into the matter
Several of the researchers said they were reluctant to focus on that aspect of the work, saying it would be unfortunate if their climate studies prompted new oil exploration that could liberate more greenhouse gases and further warm the climate.

But one of the authors, Henk Brinkhuis of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, was not shy when he first pointed this out to reporters in 2004. This week, he said he remained confident that the prospect was real. [emphasis added]
the weird thing is i didn't hear this reported in 2004

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