
Tuesday, June 13
  taking criticism badly

uwe boll 'specializes' in video game movie adaptations which get savaged on the internet (think a poor man's paul ws anderson).

he's had enough of the criticism...challenging the critics to a boxing match!
To be eligible you must be a critic who has posted on the internet or have written in magazines / newspapers at least two extremely negative articles in the year 2005.
Dr. Uwe Boll’s invitation to fight and / or appear in his film is extended to all his harshest critics. Roger Avary and Quentin Tarantino are among the most eligible candidates.
The following posters to the IMDb have earned the right to be placed on the list of the most extreme anti-Boll critics and are therefore eligible to enter the contest. Contestants will be chosen to be an extra and physically box Dr. Uwe Boll.
including the "Dr." is a nice touch

incidentally, i wouldn't mind seeing self-important quentin tarantino getting punched in the ring

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