
Friday, June 23
  terrorist enables in MSM unite

similar to the story based on a leak of the classified terrorist surveillance program
[remember, even a scaled down version proved effective]
the NYTimes again reveals a tool in the war on terror [bugmenot login]. by detailing the program
Officials described the Swift program as the biggest and most far-reaching of several secret efforts to trace terrorist financing. Much more limited agreements with other companies have provided access to A.T.M. transactions, credit card purchases and Western Union wire payments, the officials said.
Data from the Brussels-based banking consortium, formally known as the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, has allowed officials from the C.I.A., the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies to examine "tens of thousands" of financial transactions, Mr. Levey said.
doesn't it essentially make the program public knowledge? the terrorists, too
some backlash to the report already hits in conservative outlets like the new york sun (via the ldotters) and NRO's media blog

on a similar note, reuters reported the miami-sears tower terrorist plot with a "terrorist-related" headline with the skeptical quotes (found via
note: it was later updated with another headline, but a search revealed the square quotes headline
unfortunately, that's par-for-the-course for reuters

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