tv odds n ends
note: all stories found via
tv tattle- does it really count when nbc's
first ratings win now? [
bugmenot login]
nbc pulled it off by sticking with alotta original programming against repeats. the
struggling network will take what it can get.
(question: why didn't nbc include
deal or no deal and/or
apprentice finales during sweeps?
possible answer: they wouldn't have done as well against first-run competition)
- where are they now?
a wrap-up of the gang's
post-90210 careers spares no snark [
bugmenot login]
full house's little
steph charts an
unexpected career path
- other 'reality' tidbits
while paris and nicole's fake
the simple life dropped off big time from the network run, it did
relatively well for the e! channel. (it'd probably done better on the vh1
celebreality block)
maybe i'm a glutton for bad tv, but
tv monopoly doesn't sound like a bad idea...