
Wednesday, July 26
  from the horse's mouth

the wsj profiles JP Borda, a pioneer in the milblogging community. having been a member of National Guard deployed in the war on terror, Borda noted the 'out of touch' negative MSM coverage. Borda along with several other soldiers post first hand experience to counteract this perceived bias.
Now, Mr. Borda finds himself at the center of a growing blogging movement. Military bloggers, or "milbloggers" as they call themselves, contend that they are uniquely qualified to comment on events in armed conflicts. Many milbloggers also argue that the mainstream media tends to overplay negative stories and play down positive military developments. For many of these blogs, says Mr. Borda, "the sole purpose is to counteract the media."
the pentagon has taken a hands off approach, only "reminding soldiers not to post information that might tip off the enemy"

while some can be bogus, first hand accounts of military efforts and war must be included in the mix.

[found via]

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