myspace went down and offered pac-man as a standby
But cute messages and chronic unreliability are a feature of the current wave of 'Web 2.0' websites and services. TypePad suffered another serious outage 10 days ago; Flickr is notorious for its unreliability, and a Flickr-clone called Zooomr "launched" recently, only to disappear again for several days.i guess half a billion bucks doesn't go as far as it used to...
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |