
Saturday, July 8
  no good deed goes underplayed

perhaps the shake-up at gawker media shouldn't be complete, as the 'terror' coverage at gawker appears shizophrenic.
apparently, sometimes the war on terror is something to worry about...sometimes it isn't paramount.

the gawker geniuses pooh-pooh the latest terror bust
So, how is this news? When doesn't someone want to blow us up? [italics in original]
so when did eric harris and dylan klebold's plan pass the point of mocking?
how about timothy mcveigh? how about 19 guys in the fall of 2001?

i don't (necessarily) mean to pick on gawker, but lib types tend to want it both ways in the war on terror--it's over-hyped at the same time it's life-threatening...
whenever people plan to kill other people, it should warrant attention from the authorities

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