
Thursday, July 27
  say it ain't so

the AP reports that tour de france winner floyd landis failed a drug test during the course of the race.

espn essentially echoes the story, but adds analysis which could explain the strange testerone levels.

hopefully this proves to be a false positive as landis' performance, overcoming an 8 minute lead with in only 2 stages
So astounding was the turnaround that race director Jean-Marie Leblanc, who has overseen this event 18 years, called it "the best performance in the modern history of the Tour."
The comeback was read by many as a master stroke, instantly enshrining Landis in cycling's pantheon alongside greats like five-time Tour champion Eddy Merckx of Belgium for his show of both human frailty and superhuman courage in the span of 24 hours.
remains one of the best come-from-behind efforts in recent sports history

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