
Tuesday, August 15
  celebrities have to pay taxes, too

considering the hefty value of award show presenter bags (~$30k for 3 minutes), the IRS reminds celebrities to pay 'their fair share' in taxes.
When the 2006 Academy Award gift bags weighed in at more than $100,000 apiece with no single gift being worth any less than $500, the IRS issued a statement wishing the Oscar nominees luck and reminding them to include their $25,000 four-night Hawaiian vacations and $7,000-worth of Victoria's Secret undies on their income tax returns.
If they choose to keep the gifts, that is. Charitable donations are usually tax-deductible. The IRS couldn't be reached for comment, but it was reported earlier this year that the governemnt agency stood to collect almost $1.2 million from Oscar bags alone.
update aug18th: the oscars drops the bag going forward

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