
Tuesday, August 29
  check yourself

in slate's today's papers, andrew rice references a NYTimes "Dust Bowl" comparison for current dry conditions in the great plains.

unfortunately, the lazy NYT repeatedly characterizes it this way--having done it 8 times since 1980.
Finally, the NYT reefers a big piece on arid conditions in the Great Plains, which have left "farmers and ranchers with conditions that they compare to those of the Dust Bowl of the 1930's." It's the worst drought since … well, maybe 2003, "an extremely dry summer that … brought back memories of the 1930's Dust Bowl" (NYT, 9/5/03). Or maybe 2002, when "farmers shrug[ed] and wonder[ed] if a new Dust Bowl [would] soon be upon them" (NYT, 5/3/02). Or 1998: "a dry spell that officials say shows signs of developing into the costliest and most devastating the region has seen since the Dust Bowl years" (NYT, 8/12/98). Or 1996: "Coming after two years of low rainfall and a number of other weather problems, the ferocity of this year's drought has slowly begun to evoke memories for some here of the Depression-era Dust Bowl" (NYT, 5/20/96). Or 1988: "Since the spring's dry weather evolved into the worst drought since the Dust Bowl, the farm policy has been turned upside down" (NYT, 7/10/88). Or 1982: "And when the winds come, turning the sky dark with dust and burying fence rows under shifting dunes of soil and thistle, those who are old enough remember the bleak days of the Dust Bowl." (NYT, 5/14/82). Or 1980: "Is the nation in for a new Dust Bowl or at least a succession of scorching summers?" (NYT, 7/17/80).
the lame newspaper that cries wolf

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