in slate's today's papers, andrew rice references a NYTimes "Dust Bowl" comparison for current dry conditions in the great plains.
Finally, the NYT reefers a big piece on arid conditions in the Great Plains, which have left "farmers and ranchers with conditions that they compare to those of the Dust Bowl of the 1930's." It's the worst drought since … well, maybe 2003, "an extremely dry summer that … brought back memories of the 1930's Dust Bowl" (NYT, 9/5/03). Or maybe 2002, when "farmers shrug[ed] and wonder[ed] if a new Dust Bowl [would] soon be upon them" (NYT, 5/3/02). Or 1998: "a dry spell that officials say shows signs of developing into the costliest and most devastating the region has seen since the Dust Bowl years" (NYT, 8/12/98). Or 1996: "Coming after two years of low rainfall and a number of other weather problems, the ferocity of this year's drought has slowly begun to evoke memories for some here of the Depression-era Dust Bowl" (NYT, 5/20/96). Or 1988: "Since the spring's dry weather evolved into the worst drought since the Dust Bowl, the farm policy has been turned upside down" (NYT, 7/10/88). Or 1982: "And when the winds come, turning the sky dark with dust and burying fence rows under shifting dunes of soil and thistle, those who are old enough remember the bleak days of the Dust Bowl." (NYT, 5/14/82). Or 1980: "Is the nation in for a new Dust Bowl or at least a succession of scorching summers?" (NYT, 7/17/80).the lame newspaper that cries wolf
following up on the (not so) cookie monster debacle, the blue beast subjects himself to an interview with matt lauer.
mr goodwrench pitchman stephen colbert gets loads of MSM attention (if not ratings) despite evidence of unfunny material.
much ink (and many pixels) have been devoted to the 'asian miracle', including the ascendance of china economically, politically, etc.
animal stories intrigue: when they are wacky, heartless, heroic, ironic.
enviros tend to confuse doubts about global warming being manmade and global warming, going so far as to reject dissension from the party line. taking it to the extreme, haters link bush and hurricanes.
in the boston globe, john donnelly relates progress in africa, partially owing to bush 43 initiatives.
Today, the change for the better is astonishing: Idoko now treats nearly 6,000 HIV-positive patients. He has expanded his clinic three times in five years, and his waiting room once again is too crowded. ``Now, we are eyeing an abandoned building nearby," he said last week, chuckling.unfortunately, their appears to be institutional resistance to anything bush among
The major reason for Idoko's success is the Bush administration's AIDS program, which in the last three years has sent billions of dollars to Africa and helped save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
One telling moment in Toronto came last Sunday when Bill Gates, whose foundation has spent billions on global health in recent years, praised PEPFAR, prompting a chorus of boos from the audience.that's right the two people who have perhaps devoted the most resources for causes in africa get booed.
biz journalism company thompson financial plans to roll out computer programs which will automatically generate news stories based on financial press releases
"This is not about cost, but about delivering information to our customers at a speed at which they can make an almost immediate trading decision," Thomson's Matthew Burkley says. "This means we can free up reporters so they have more time to think."i wonder whether the program will have the necessary BS detector necessary to deal with these companies?
the common complaint about mtv among old fogies like me is the lack of actual music videos. mostly, mtv consists of a bunch of reality shows in between a bunch of commercials.
corporate executives receive excessive compensation on a regular basis, sometimes even more when they do a bad job: jill barad's $50 million severance for messing up mattel, infamous dennis kozloski of tyco, etc.
When someone who's supposed to be looking out for public shareholders is instead mulling over wallpaper samples for staterooms, it's time to sell. The yacht has long been the classic indicator of someone who has so much money that he doesn't need to make any more. Unlike a jet, which can speed busy executives to their offices efficiently, a yacht has no useful purpose. And who has time to play with such an over-the-top toy? Someone who doesn't work weekends figuring out how to make money for other people.another warning sign is the 'naming rights' money hole
considering the hefty value of award show presenter bags (~$30k for 3 minutes), the IRS reminds celebrities to pay 'their fair share' in taxes.
When the 2006 Academy Award gift bags weighed in at more than $100,000 apiece with no single gift being worth any less than $500, the IRS issued a statement wishing the Oscar nominees luck and reminding them to include their $25,000 four-night Hawaiian vacations and $7,000-worth of Victoria's Secret undies on their income tax returns.update aug18th: the oscars drops the bag going forward
If they choose to keep the gifts, that is. Charitable donations are usually tax-deductible. The IRS couldn't be reached for comment, but it was reported earlier this year that the governemnt agency stood to collect almost $1.2 million from Oscar bags alone.
former president bill clinton's positions on iraq have been all over the map. further his memory on key al qaeda events approaches the delusional.
conspiracy theories abound, particularly on historic events like hurricane katrina and 9/11 (with popular mechanics addressing several issues of each).
- both google and apple make efforts to avoid brand dilution. i think google has more of a case here, although the 'pod' dropping done at apple's expense attempt to capitalize on the iPod brand.
The patent application is simply the latest in a long line of database mining techniques for online ordering filed by, and is no more intrusive than many other over-reaching patent applications. Amazon has patented, or attempted to patent, search histories, gift certificates, and customer overhaul to the patent system is long overdue
the MSM's unquestioned acceptance of 'fake news' like the reuters phony photos and reporting of staged events continues.
Bloggers have accused rescue workers and volunteers of showing off victims for the media. The Lebanese make no apologies for wanting the world to see the civilian suffering in the Israeli onslaught aimed at uprooting Hezbollah.those pesky bloggers caught 'green helmet' staging with for the cameras with dead bodies as props. pesky bloggers can't believe the audacity of AP
in light of the phony reuters photos story, all forms of media have received scrutiny.
being skeptical of those USNews college rankings since they are easily manipulated, washington monthly's alternative rankings sparked my interest last year.
as i fearfully predicted after the network schedule releases: abc is in trouble.
The news marks the unceremonious end to the Alphabet's various summer projects outlined back in May, which included "Buy It Now" (scrapped before it even premiered), "How to Get the Guy" (pulled with two episodes left to air), "Master of Champions" (pulled with a single installment left to air), "The One: Making a Music Star" (axed after two weeks) and now "One Ocean View" (pulled with four hours left on the shelf).despite abc's abysmal development record last year, they're going bigger (thus more expensive) this fall. however, promotion of new shows may prove difficult when no one watches during the run-up to the fall season.
it's not always serious around about some celebrity couples...
note: admittedly, i'm very late to this story
despite being as glitchy as other websites ( was a power outage), news corp has already recouped the half a billion smackers it paid for myspace.
There's a bubblesque quality to the internet's two most hyped entities hooking up so that they can "monetize user-generated content." But only a cynic would focus on that.i'm guessing the guys who sold myspace wish they held out a bit longer
Let's instead celebrate three more years of hammering our kids with ads for SpongeBob SquarePants sports-bras, natural Ritalin options and Jewish wedding singers.
in mid-july, the white house lowered projections of the budget deficit. [WaPo bugmenot login]
david letterman apologists developed a healthy list of excuses, rationalizations and self-delusion to explain his nightly trouncing at the hands of jay leno.
There's been a big shift in the median age of late-night viewers on the Big Three networks over the past five seasons, so much so that ABC’s “Nightline,” not CBS’s “Late Show with David Letterman,” is now the youngest of the bunch. So reports a new Magna Global U.S. study.[snip]found via tv newser
Meanwhile, Letterman has aged at a faster pace than any other show.
His median age has shot up from 46.5 in 2001-2002 to the current 51.0, a 10 percent increase. By comparison, “Nightline” is down 2 percent and “Tonight Show” up 6 percent in the same span.
At its present pace, Letterman’s median age could outpace Leno’s by this time next year.
judy miller knows her share of controversy,
a marine who doesn't appreciate being referred to as having "killed innocent civilians in cold blood", files a defamation suit against congressman jack murtha [found via]
given microsoft's decision to charge for the beta of office 2007, the uk reg analyzes the situation. essentially, M$ wants customers to pay for the right--no, the privilege--of testing an incomplete product and doing the admitted monopolist's job of software development.
OK, so it is only $1.50, but if this is still in the realm of genuine beta testing then the idea of asking people to pay to see how many bugs a vendor can generate is an idea that we must sincerely hope does not become endemic amongst the software development community.the reg continues with a few slippery slopes of this beta program.
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |