the national review's david frum brings the mel gibson DUI incident into the political realm... colin farrell's biggest movie...
Whatever their reasons for ignoring him, the fact remains Farrell’s most marketed-to potential fans haven’t taken the bait yet. Neither has the rest of America. He’s famous, but his presence in a movie is no gauge of its box-office or critical success.btw, scanning his imdb entry, his biggest movie is probably 'SWAT' or 'minority report' (really a tom cruise movie--which i thought made more money than it did)
given the mind-boggling money involved in the nfl on tv
in wired's august edition, technorati founder David L. Sifry offers simple advice to raise a blogs profile.
the AP reports that tour de france winner floyd landis failed a drug test during the course of the race.
So astounding was the turnaround that race director Jean-Marie Leblanc, who has overseen this event 18 years, called it "the best performance in the modern history of the Tour."remains one of the best come-from-behind efforts in recent sports history
The comeback was read by many as a master stroke, instantly enshrining Landis in cycling's pantheon alongside greats like five-time Tour champion Eddy Merckx of Belgium for his show of both human frailty and superhuman courage in the span of 24 hours.
mickey kaus is right [scroll down to wed july26th]
the wsj profiles JP Borda, a pioneer in the milblogging community. having been a member of National Guard deployed in the war on terror, Borda noted the 'out of touch' negative MSM coverage. Borda along with several other soldiers post first hand experience to counteract this perceived bias.
Now, Mr. Borda finds himself at the center of a growing blogging movement. Military bloggers, or "milbloggers" as they call themselves, contend that they are uniquely qualified to comment on events in armed conflicts. Many milbloggers also argue that the mainstream media tends to overplay negative stories and play down positive military developments. For many of these blogs, says Mr. Borda, "the sole purpose is to counteract the media."the pentagon has taken a hands off approach, only "reminding soldiers not to post information that might tip off the enemy"
a nobel prize winner goes decidedly non-peaceful (via watchdog of liberal media newsbusters)
"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.incidentally the peace prize continued its ridiculousness encouraging enabling behavior
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.
myspace went down and offered pac-man as a standby
But cute messages and chronic unreliability are a feature of the current wave of 'Web 2.0' websites and services. TypePad suffered another serious outage 10 days ago; Flickr is notorious for its unreliability, and a Flickr-clone called Zooomr "launched" recently, only to disappear again for several days.i guess half a billion bucks doesn't go as far as it used to...
in a move to placate watchdogs rather than consumers...
ohio senator george voinovich suffered some mockery due to the blubbering [video | mp3 audio ] opposition of UN ambassador john bolton.
when the maryland legislature attempted to dictate business practices through the fair share health care fund act, governor ehrlich vetoed the bill, which was overriden.
as forbes publisher rich karlgaard remarks on the stunning silence of the lefty blogosphere on national security issues, especially considering the events of the last week.
Nothing on Israel. Nothing on Iran's support of Hamas and Hezbollah. Nothing on Iran's nuclear program. Nothing, even, on the G-8 Summit.power line follows-up with the one lefty who attempts to address foreign policy (but often does so badly)
And we're to think that the Netroots Left is a serious political player?
There is no point in condemning Hezbollah. Zealots are not amenable to reason. And there's not much point, either, in condemning Hamas.blaming the israelis
Whatever happens, Israel must not use its military might to win back what it has already chosen to losecohen fails to realize these pullbacks were meant to reduce the 'occupation' excuse for hating israel.
not only its stock price...not only its influence...not only its credibility...
didn't mark cuban make his billions from
didn't (blossoming media darling) tvnewser do exactly what he mocked several media outlets of doing just a few days ago?
the big dig is a disaster
i don't think server maker sun micro should expect repeat business from these guys
bob novak finally chimes in about his role in the joe-wilson-valerie-plame-cia non-leak investigation. the bullet points: the wilson-wife angle slipped out in conversation, some others confirmed, novak's ultimate source for wilson's wife's name turned out to be none other than...joe wilson from his self-submitted entry in who's who in america.
conservatives often believe the MSM exhibits a liberal bias, but this example newsbusters found goes too far. a reporter, albeit at a student newspaper, lifts talking points from the democrat policy committee
continuing the recent MSM terrorist-enabling ways...
ezra klein attempts to debunk the conservative-republican belief that medical malpractice-tort reform would reduce the cost of healthcare. klein includes analysis pointing to the rather efficient disposition of nearly 75% of cases [yet 10% of bogus cases may get some compensation].
After all, including legal fees, insurance costs, and payouts, the cost of the suits comes to less than one-half of 1 percent of health-care spending. If anything, there are fewer lawsuits than would be expected, and far more injuries than we usually imagine.further, klein promotes the liberal-democratic alternative 'reduce medical errors' plan.
basking in the glory of their well-earned nobel peace prize, the international atomic agency continues its diligent watchdog-dom by taking and following through requests from the watchdog-ee iran.
A spokesman for the IAEA yesterday would not comment on the story. Die Welt wrote that officials from the organization confirmed the key facts of the piece and asked the newspaper not to publish it. One of the reasons the officials gave was that it would harm the work of its inspectors on the could safety trump up the need for 'the scoop'?
perhaps the shake-up at gawker media shouldn't be complete, as the 'terror' coverage at gawker appears shizophrenic.
So, how is this news? When doesn't someone want to blow us up? [italics in original]so when did eric harris and dylan klebold's plan pass the point of mocking?
joe biden regularly demonstrates a quirky sense of humor...
despite complaining about OpenDocument format standards, microsoft grudgingly accepts the standard...with the usual snide remarks promoting their propietary office format.
before the completion of its first cycle, my interest in american idol faded. nevertheless, AI indisputably remains a tv juggernaut (if not necessarily an automatic idol maker--william hung may have higher name recognition than many AI contestants). the money-grubbing product placement further contributes to my active rooting for idol's downfall.
britney spears may have helped baby sis jamie lynn get rid of 'rival' co-star alexa nikolas.
Last August, Page Six reported Jamie Lynn and Britney ganged up on Jamie Lynn's "Zoey 101" co-star Alexa Nikolas after the two tweens got into a spat on the set of the Nickelodeon show. A source told us then, "Britney had the talent coordinator bring Alexa over to Jamie Lynn's trailer, where she proceeded to scream that Alexa was an 'evil little girl' and that she had better watch herself or she 'will never work in this town again!'who knew nickelodeon could be so cut throat?
christopher hitchens proves compelling reading, whether dissecting bad movies, liberal blowhards and apologists.
If I was to interrupt this article every few sentences, asking you whether or not I was making a good impression on you, I hope and believe that you would think I was a servile jerk. Yet this is what our politicians are doing in every speech (most notably in the absurd recent debate on “flag-burning”) and this is apparently what we hire Karen Hughes to do in our public diplomacy.while i fall for these polls, healthy skepticism must accompany that interest since it remains easy to play with polls, surveys, etc
Thus, for a Fourth of July message, I would suggest less masochism, more confidence on the American street, and less nervous reliance on paper majorities discovered by paper organizations.
Happy Independence Day.
as man continues to reach for the stars in various ways, NASA gives more details on the next generation space launch vehicles including the name 'ares' (get it..? 'mars')
conservative blog power line finds another ny times scoop.
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |