national review editor rich lowry disputes by use of historical fact the silly notion that global warming (and thus indirectly president bush) are to blame for hurricane katrina.
a study of studies finds "problems with experimental and statistical methods" mean findings may be somewhat questionable. issues contributing to this include small sample sizes, biases and selective reporting.
Asked about the military families who say she does not represent them, [Cindy] Sheehan replied: "I never said I did."
- as the wacky-premised prison break opens tonight on fox, the NYDaily News takes the opportunity to document the Kickoff Curse which tends to befall the first show to premiere each year
a brilliant (that's so british) 16 year old developed a novel way to charge his cell phone. Peter Ash hooked his pet hamster's wheel to a charger to get 30 minutes of talk talk for 2 minutes of hamster wheel time. the most interesting thing
Surprisingly - and considering all the current moaning about falling exam standards, etc, etc - Ash only got a "C" for this contribution to his GSCE science course and, undoubtedly, a clean-energy future for all our children.what does someone have to do to get an "A"?
presenters of the upcoming MTV video music awards will walk away with 'gift bags' worth $26,000. while that's alot of goodies, its chump change compared to last year's grammy $34k goody bag and the whopping $150k oscar goodies.
jack kelly checks in with the source for a 'bush administration does no right' ny times story from about a week ago.
Spoehr told Moss all the things he told me, but there is not a single positive quote in his story.apparently positive quotes weren't part of the "all the news that's fit to print"
"You would get the impression that our soldiers were in harm's way or at risk," Spoehr said. "That is not true."
Americans are becoming increasingly pessimistic about the war in Iraq, because all news about Iraq is presented as bad news, even when it isn't.
the ever-increasing prominence of those (ridiculous) USNWR university rankings spurred some grumbling and some alternatives.
"Only three schools in the 2006 U.S. News top 10 are among our highest-ranked....In addition, while the private colleges of the Ivy League dominate most rankings of the nation's best colleges, they didn't dominate ours....Our list was also more heavily populated with first-rate state schools...than that of U.S. News, which has no public universities within its top ten."
The show is a one-off competing with four other reality TV programs, one of which follows five former prostitutes starting a cafe. The program receiving most votes from viewers Saturday, after all the shows have aired, will be turned into a series.this makes that fox show look above board
De Telegraaf also published an email address for men wanting to donate sperm to Yessica.
Reruns of “Raymond,” “Seinfeld” and “Friends” ranked among the 20 highest-rated programs on TV in July. And sitcoms in syndication averaged a 1.6 adult 18-49 rating, compared to a 1.4 for network appears the viewing public simply wants good sitcoms.
several "governement experts" and "international scientists", according to a WaPo article [bugmenot login] "met in secret during the past nine months to pore over data collected by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency" [i'm sure judicial watch will be all over this one too] to say iran is just misuderstood.
earlier this year, headlines about recruiting troubles peppered the news media...
Now, as the fiscal year nears an end, the Army's numbers look great. Especially in combat units and Iraq, soldiers are re-enlisting at record levels. And you don't hear a whisper about it from the "mainstream media."several facts and figures describe the state of enlistment, re-enlistment, etc.
Let's look at the numbers, which offer a different picture of patriotism than the editorial pages do.
while it must be noted that "need" and "goal" are two different things, the situation is not nearly as dire as previously reported.Every one of the Army's 10 divisions — its key combat organizations — has exceeded its re-enlistment goal for the year to date. Those with the most intense experience in Iraq have the best rates The Army is running at 108 percent of its needs The Army Reserve is a tougher sell, given that it takes men and women away from their families and careers on short notice. Well, Reserve recruitment stands at 102 percent of requirements. And then there's the Army National Guard. We've been told for two years that the Guard was in free-fall. Really? Guard recruitment and retention comes out to 106 percent of its requirements as of June 30.
Guess we have to face it: Patriotism is alive and well. Soldiers believe in the Army, and they believe in their missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. They love their comrades, too. And yes, the word is "love." They would die for the man or woman serving beside them. They're risking their lives to save a broken state, to give tens of millions of human beings a chance at decent lives, to do the grim work that no one else in the world is willing to do.
award winning screenwriter robert j avrech relates his life and times as a conservative jewish republican in hollywood.
I’m a Republican. A heretofore secret Hollywood Republican. I know men and women who are heavy drug addicts and they have no problem finding employment in Hollywood. I know men and women who are gambling addicts and they work pretty regularly. There’s even a director who was arrested for child molestation and yet was hired by Disney — yes, Disney — to helm a picture, and people defended this decision by saying even child molesters have a right to work. I would bet my bottom dollar that all these people are on the correct side of the political spectrum. They are liberal democrats.avrech opens with his own reticence to publicize his religous beliefs, but the meaty part of the account deals with his experience as a republican. the high points include efforts to write screenplays for two projects met with utter disregard since they don't tow the company line:
When I confront these people with the truth they look at me as if I am some visitor from some foreign planet.avrech continues with disappointment/anger regarding hollywood's silence and politicaly correct based temerity:
Which I guess I am.
Last year the Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh was murdered in Holland at the hands of Islamic extremists. It was a gruesome murder. There was not one word of protest from the Hollywood community. Because of liberal political correctness, the 2002 version of Tom Clancy’s “The Sum of All Fears” transformed Palestinian terrorists into European will be interesting to follow-up on this story
a website has popped up to connect reality tv hopefuls with casting agents.
environmentalist and liberal types in general tout the promise of renewable or alternative energy while lamenting the lack of movement towards it.
[L]et's not hear fossilizing liberals like him, Kennedy, and Huffington talk about the need for the wealthy to make sacrifices anymore. And they better not get caught with one of those "Think globally, act locally" bumper stickers on their SUVs, either.
young ben seaver from growing pains has found gainful employemnt
movement in the california redistricting initiative supported by governor schwarzenegger
given circulation declines and a growing public distrust, the newspaper industry can't stand much more bad news.
for the record, the last video game console i bought was the sega genesis in the early to mid-90s. once they went beyond the A-B-C buttons, it was too much for me to handle.
physics postgrad student Richard Ecob developed a computer model to demonstrate interactions within social networks. it reveals similarities between the manner in which atoms decay and interpersonal relationships.
while not falling for the warning label trick, the beverage industry goes more with the self-regulation route with regards to availability of drinks in schools.
the print is barely dry on that new york metro article in which clinton laments lack of opportunities with regard to bin laden.
"very dangerous" and could have "deadly results"
if only...
The sentiment sounds both sincere and self-justifying—both a regret and a preemptive exercise in legacy mention as to the lack of follow through despite bin laden's infamous fatwah or the african embassy bombings which led to the august 1998 action which destroyed some random targets including a pharmaceutical plant
According to a well-researched article written by Richard Becker, Sara Flounders and John Parker in CAQ, the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant was responsible for over 50% of Sudan’s medicine. This included 90% of the most critically needed drugs. In their words:
“...the bombing will inexorably cause the suffering and death of tens of thousands of innocent people all over Africa, many of them children, by depriving them of basic medicines against malaria, tuberculosis, and other easily curable diseases.”
the Transportation Security Administration is considering changes in its airline passenger screening protocol.
Unfortunately, all that math didn't help get one of his sculptures through the Transportation Security Administration's gauntlet at the airport.
"I had one piece that the TSA took apart and then put back together randomly," [Microsoft software engineer and lego enthusiast David Winkler] said.
this may surprise some, but microsoft sometimes makes mistakes...
the person/people behind PETA's public relations should perhaps follow the example of David Seldin.
However, officials with the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People aren't buying it.the lameness of PETA knows few bounds
"PETA operates by getting publicity any way they can," said John White, an NAACP spokesman. "They're comparing chickens to black people?"
PETA officials apologized this year for a campaign that compared the suffering of Jews during the Holocaust with that of factory animals.
given the inordinate cindy sheehan media coverage, i'm surprised there haven't been media recounts of bush's meeting with families of fallen soldiers.
The conversations are closed to the press, and Bush does not like to talk about what goes on in these grieving sessions, though there have been hints.the article includes a picture, it does not mention cindy sheehan or the fact that she already attended one such meeting with president bush.
as stated before, the 911 commission's changing story on the inability/resistance to integrating able danger info into its final report demonstrates the difficulty of intelligence gathering and law enforcement in the current environment.
Sept. 11 was a total government fiasco: CIA, FBI, INS, FAA, all the hot shot acronyms failed spectacularly. But appoint an official commission and let them issue an official report and suddenly everyone says, oh, well, this is the official version of 9/11; if they say something didn't happen, it can't possibly have happened.this incident undermines the belief that the necessary changes can be made in a sufficient manner
Maybe we need a 9/11 Commission Commission to investigate the 9/11 Commission. A body intended to reassure Americans that the lessons of that terrible day had been learned instead engaged in what at best was transparent politicking and collusion in posterior-covering and at worst was something a whole lot darker and more disturbing.
the whiny losers at cnn have alotta stuff on their plate.
An anonymous tipster asks: "If Kagan was dating Al Franken, would anyone be talking about this? It's reprehensible that we're even talking about this."or glass house complaints about other people's news
"This excerpt is exactly why CNN is in 3rd place," an e-mailer says: "Until something else happens, until there really are developments, we'll leave the rest to the other guys."
following up on yesterday's able danger post...
as troubling as the revelation [bugmenot login] that several of the hijackers including mohammed atta may have been identified as possible terrorists a year before 9/11 may be, it merely confirms that the system was flawed.
southwest airlines consistently scores well in customer satisfaction surveys.
after one person auctioned off her forehead as permanant tattoo ad space ($15k by the way) and another auctioned off her cleavage on a temp basis (only 422 british pounds), a guy is willing to auction off his own cold dead body as ad space
a NYSE seat sells for a record amount of $3million. the last time it approached that level was in the late 90s.
The ten biggest first-day percentage increases are: the Va Linux 12/09/99 697.50%, 11/13/98 606%, Foundry Networks 9/28/99 525%, Webmethods 2/11/00 507.50%, Free Markets 12/10/99 483.33%, Cobalt Networks 11/05/99 482%, 1/15/99 474%, Akamai Technologies 10/29/99 458%, Cacheflow 11/19/99 426.56% and Sycamore Networks 10/22/99 386%.i don't think any of those really panned out
anyone movie critic who says goods things about "A Knight's Tale", "Vertical Limit" and Rob Schneider's "The Animal" [with the immortal words "The producing team of Big Daddy has delivered another winner!"] would draw some attention.
Democratic party leaders and strategistsare "delighted" with the results of an ohio special election.
i don't know why i have a sense of giddiness from the news that the company behind the annoying fad diet atkins nutritional filed chapter 11 bankruptcy.
news/blog links - kinja - technorati - daypop - blogdex - boing boing - fark - metafilter - memeorandum - watching america - lucianne - instapundit - best of the web - oh, that liberal media - kaus files - daily kos - talking points memo - wonkette - scott rosenberg - mozilla - bugmenot - avg anti-virus - ad-aware |