corruption appears institutionalized in nigeria. so much so that the Nigerian Football Association essentially blesses referees taking long as it doesn't change their calls... Fanny Amun says, apparently with no hint of iron
"Referees should only pretend to fall for the bait, but make sure the result doesn't favour those offering the bribe"right...
the estimated cost of levee repairs for the entire region jumps [bugmenot login] from ~$3.5 billion to ~10 billion (found via
To help state and local officials choose which areas might be protected by insurance-certified levees, Powell broke the four-parish New Orleans region into 10 areas and listed the populations and cost of building such levees.meanwhile evacuees are finding a new home difficult to find, as the 'vibrant population' talk by local officials along with growing wariness of houstonians
In the analysis, three Plaquemines Parish sections, southeast of the city, look ripe for cost-cutting. Less than 2 percent of the area's population lives there, but it would cost nearly $2.9 billion to build certified levees.
By contrast, protecting Algiers, where 13 percent of the region's population lives, would cost $129 million.
christian science monitor's reporter jill carroll, who was taken hostage back in january -- CSM's timeline and updates -- has been released.
Often their stories, even their names, are not told. But Allan's story is representative of why Iraqis are willing to take such risks by working with foreigners.remember the name 'allan enwiya' all the joy at carroll's release, the blogosphere hasn't instead referring to him only as her translator
apple's impact remains undeniable--not just computing, but also marketing ('1984' practically invented the super bowl ad as event)
if one were to guess which were the highest rated comedy central shows ever...
in an unsurprising development--but a rather dragged out process nonetheless--arrested development officially kicks the bucket
the washington post profiles maury povich's predilection--and success--of the paternity test. [bugmenot login]
The paternity show, though, is the program's signature format, its franchise -- as well as its highest rated, helping "Maury" (3.8 million viewers daily) rank fourth this season among daytime talk shows, behind "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "Dr. Phil" and "Live With Regis and Kelly."ifilm hosts a funny jimmy kimmel compilation of daytime paternity tests
edward jay epstein, whose slate 'hollywood economist' columns deals with show biz math including
"Product placement gigs will become a major source of production financing in the future, in which a movie provides a controlled world of good-looking stars wearing a certain brand of clothing for an hour and a half, in exchange for which the brand manufacturer pays for a large share of the production."notwithstanding one anecdote about oliver extracting free cowboy boots by grinding the production of natural born killers to a halt, movie product placement proves a win-win for the advertiser and show biz--but not necessarily the audience
last week, charlie sheen--no master of new fangled communications--goes on radio with 9/11 conspiracy theories. popular mechanics addressed some of these ideas, along with katrina myths like black displacement
in an article about a memo that the left will get all huffy about, the ny times apparently believes there were only two iraqi resolutions [bugmenot login]
after recently finding water on a saturn moon, cassini sends back a spectacular image of saturn moons, rings, all with the sun 'in the background'
given the lackluster ratings of comedies--only 2 in the top 20 season-to-date, it would appear the category is in decline. personally, the only primetime sitcoms i watch are 'my name is earl' and 'everybody hates chris'
Not so. The average household is tuning in 4.84 hours worth of sitcoms each week this season, according to a report by ad buyers Magna Global. During the 1993-94 season, it was 3.78 hours.the solution, as always, would be to make better shows
Twelve seasons ago, more than half of that comedy viewing (56 percent) came in prime-time on the big broadcast networks. Startlingly, this year only 13 percent of this season's sitcom-watching fits that category.
Where are they going? Nick at Nite delivers a prime-time lineup with "Roseanne" and "The Cosby Show." TBS is all comedy, with "Seinfeld," "Everybody Loves Raymond," "Friends" and "Sex and the City." Many of those same comedies are sold in syndication, often competing strongly with Jay Leno and David Letterman late at night.
given the current situation in iraq, phrases like 'sectarian violence' and 'civil war' get thrown around alot. even among conservative circles there's dispute:
a few bits of info courtesy of tv tattle:
late last year, online community encyclopedia wikipedia suffered some bumps and bruises
"Dozens of inaccuracies attributed to the Britannica were not inaccuracies at all, and a number of the articles Nature examined were not even in the Encyclopedia Britannica. The study was so poorly carried out and its findings so error-laden that it was completely without merit."the register chimes in with continued disbelief
We thought it pretty odd, back in December, to discover a popular science journal recommending readers support less accurate information. It's even stranger to find this institution apparently violating fundamental principles of empiricism.[note personal opinion: studies and/or papers can be goofy, but still kinda matter]
But these are strange times - and high summer for supporters of junk science.[emphasis altered due to formatting limitations]
given the staggering numbers involved in athletics including nfl tv deals and even college programs, it doesn't always register until they are strung together.
In television deals made during his time as the National Football League commissioner, ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, TNT and ESPN have signed contracts worth a combined $46.4 billion, while the satellite operator DirecTV will end up paying $6.1 billion by the time its new five-year deal is over.additionally, the $3 billion a year and the effective revenue-sharing make the NFL perhaps the best product too
In that same 16-year span, Major League Baseball's network deals have totaled nearly $11 billion, and those with the National Basketball Association have come to $9.2 billion. Real good, but not Tagliabue money.
that sense of humor microsoft demonstrated may come in handy as a bunch of gaffes come in succession...
bug me not is a cool tool which helps get to those sites which require mandatory registration.
france has had it rough over the last bit of time...
while everyone and their brother go with the 3 years in iraq story,
We will not be defeated and orphans of the dark past will get what they deserve and our sacrifices and the sacrifices of those who stand with us shall not go in vain, our sacrifices will pave an easier road for those want to follow us when they decide it's time for them to change.iraq the model remains a must read for the iraqi perspective
And yes...Iraq will be the model.
usa today analyzes the not particularly rigorous congressional schedule(found via slate's today's papers). here are some of the low lights:
Members of Congress are taking an entire week off for St. Patrick's Day. It's the latest scheduling innovation to give members more time to meet with lame excuse--i mean explanation--time to meet with constituents defies logic since gerrymandering has greatly increased the safe seats for these guys, with less than 10% competitive races.
Through Friday, the House was in session for 19 days, compared with 33 for the Senate. If they stick to their current schedule — including two weeks off in April, a week in May and July, plus all of August — House members will spend 97 days in Washington this year.
The House was in session 108 days in 1948 [prompting president truman to dub them the 'do-nothing' congress], according to the chamber's archives, compared with 141 days last year.
During the first two months of the year, House members logged a total of 47 hours in the Capitol. They took off almost the entire month of January , while the Senate confirmed Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
For both chambers, workweeks have become short in recent years. Roll call votes are seldom scheduled for Mondays or Fridays. In the House, they are often postponed until late Tuesday.
As a result, it's difficult to schedule committee meetings. Some panels meet when Congress is not in session, but not often. [emphasis and disgust added]
considering all the coverage an out-of-work civil servant got for illegal activity, one would think the illegal investigation of a sitting lt governor and prospective senate candidate would garner similar coverage
the isaac hayes-south park bit didn't garner much of my attention because i don't care about the show.
inquisitive Rob Cockerham conducts an experiment involving a ripped apart-taped together-mailed in credit card application.
...for other people
last year MIT's nicholas negroponte proposed ~$100 computers intended for developing nations. program partners such as Google, AMD, Red Hat and Brightstar (of which i had never heard) plan to chip in to the effort scheduled to really kick in by 2007.
"If you are going to go have people share the computer, get a broadband connection and have somebody there who can help support the user, geez, get a decent computer where you can actually read the text and you're not sitting there cranking the thing while you're trying to type."
- 5.9 million
not only was i correct that feingold's 'censure bush' grandstanding would go absolutely nowhere, it actually did even worse than i had initially thought.
I haven't read it," demurred Barack Obama (Ill.).Dana Milbank continues with Dem after Dem steering clear of the censure resolution (including humorous instances for the NY senators.
"I just don't have enough information," protested Ben Nelson (Neb.).
"I really can't right now," John Kerry (Mass.) said
apparently, that hilarious ipod-by-microsoft parody video from a few days ago was created by microsoft for internal chuckles (via lost remote again)
- having never been a fan of sopranos--it's seems like hollywood cliche on top of hollywood cliche (sprinkle a 'godfather'/'goodfellas' knockoff with 'analyze this'), the fact that it's season premiere dropped ~25% despite much hype, glowing reviews and free pub, albeit against tougher competition
the ny times may have run a phony story...
Yesterday we noted that the New York Times had published a page 1 story on Abu Ghraib on the same day that it published a story on page 8 about the murder of a hostage, who, as the Times reported the next day on page 10, was apparently tortured before being slain. Today the Times reports its Abu Ghraib story may have been fakethe correction rarely trumps the initial story
[snipped salon article referenced above]
The story raising doubts about the page 1 story appeared on page 17. examines the various tools available to gather and sort news from across the web.
people on the web, who make their money on the web,
george clooney announces he's a liberal on the liberal huffington post.
Even on AIDS -- which is something you'd expect people like Clooney to know something about -- Hollywood was about seven years behind. Wait, no -- bad choice of words. Even on AIDS, Hollywood got caught with its pants down. Still no good. On AIDS, Hollywood got it right in the end.while peggy noonan is a bit more diplomatic [bugmenot login] about clooney's condescension, which is her way
in this era of ever-increasing commercials and product placement, it's difficult for ads to stand out.
Grade: B+. A fun contest, but this really does signal the end of the Priceless campaign's natural life span. There's nothing left to do. It was great while it lasted, but I hope they'll move on before the conceit gets horribly stale.stevenson even relates his own not-so-nice entry in the contest
the blogosphere is buzzing over feingold's appearance on this week with george stephanopoulos, mostly over his lame, too-cowardly-to-go-all-the-way move to censure president bush
You know, I'm not certain it's going to make a difference, but you know, we have to err on the side of safety when it comes to this kind of an issue. We have to make sure that we do everything we can...talking about the patriot, feingold voted against it twice
last year, the news media began to headline military recruitment problems, continuing the story for several months.
The Army Guard said Friday that it signed up more than 26,000 soldiers in the first five months of fiscal 2006, exceeding its target by 7 percent in its best performance in 13 years.of course, the article alternates between 'good news' and 'bad news' and picks up the trend several months late
- william shatner certainly has the self-parody thing down pretty well, with the april fool's tinged invasion iowa...
note my personal opinion: it's easy to play with polls, surveys, etc
a video hosted on google video speculates if the ipod were developed by a certain company
as more breathtaking images emerge (recent hubble images), and cosmonauts pass the time
"It appears we have all the ingredients that all the experts have claimed for a long time now, you would need to have environments suitable for living organisms," said Carolyn Porco, a Cassini team leader. "And so, that’s what we think we have here. We have found another environment in our solar system, in a very surprising place, that could host living organisms.
"Now, of course, we’ll never know until we go there, but it’s a very, very, very exciting possibility. It's really broadened the diversity of those environments that we can expect to see conditions suitable for life."
being no fan of america's favorite karaoke show american idol, i'm constantly surprised by its success. however an article reveals the show also generates winners for its winners:
sales of Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway (4,811,000), Clay Aiken's Measure of a Man (2,740,000), Carrie Underwood's Some Hearts (2,184,000), Ruben Studdard's Soulful (1,779,000) and Fantasia's Free Yourself (1,674,000)but others do not fare so well
To make a significant impact in the music industry, making the final 12 of "American Idol" is not enough. You need to make the final two.found via reality blurred which notes "Good to know that Corey Clark’s little press junket didn’t really work"
[creative snip, appears after following in text]
Millions of Americans watched or voted for them on "Idol," but of the 12th- through third-place finishers who have gone on to release records, only one has gone gold: second-season country singer Josh Gracin (around 646,500 copies sold), who finished fourth.
Another second-season singer, third-place finisher Kimberley Locke, has sold approximately 209,000 copies of One Love, but after her, the next-best loser is — tellingly — William Hung's Inspiration (194,00). Trailing in the dust of "She Bangs" are Tamyra Gray's The Dreamer (122,000), RJ Helton's Real Life (21,000), John Stevens' Red (18,000), George Huff's Miracles (17,000) and self-titled albums from Jasmine Trias (12,000) and Corey Clark (2,400).
the peppy cheerleeder who kept cheering despite a busted neck...
conventional wisdom suggests continued ascendance of india and china for the foreseeable future.
China's vast supply of cheap labor and India's army of capable engineers have attracted enormous flows of foreign investment to their countries over the past several years. Analysts have dubbed the result the "Asian miracle."at least us-india relations are pretty solid, as both emerging powers ramp up defense spending
earlier this week, micro$oft whines about an unfair business environment...
but it's not a good time for over-hyped lib media
- i thought iraqis were too busy engaged in civil war and sectarian violence, to deal with the real bad guys [bugmenot login] (found via
in these hyper-partisan times, people often look for only those who agree with them. however, considering varying and/or opposing viewpoints proves valuable.
but jon stewart kinda stunk during a boring oscar fest
This being the Oscars, of course, those ad-libs were nothing of the sort. They were all on the TelePrompTer, and most had been tested at one or both of the two run-throughs.there was even a mad libs-esque comment prepared for either a three 6 mafia win or loss
Except for the 2003 count of 33 million viewers — when "Chicago" took the best-picture award — the Oscars hadn't dipped below 40 million viewers since 1987, Nielsen said.speaking of numbers btw, those goodie bags apparently come with a tax bill
the wall street journal's john fund make a great point [bugmenot login]:
Are there no limits to how arrogant and out-of-touch America's Ivy League schools can get? Last week it emerged that Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, former deputy foreign secretary of the Taliban, is now a student at Yale while at the same time the school continues to block ROTC training from its campus and argues for the right of its law school to exclude military recruiters.apparently, academia prefers the taliban over the us military
remember the break-up of at&t ma bell...
though amd filed a lawsuit against intel tactics, amd's recent market success owes to a better product line-up. bearing this out, neo-tech heavyweight google even decides to go with amd server products
attempts to milk more negative sentiment against president bush with newly released katrina video, didn't necessarily go as the MSM may have hoped
"We keep getting reports in some places that maybe water is coming over the levees," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said shortly after noon on Aug. 29 - the day the storm hit the Gulf coast.i think this seals blanco's political fate
"We heard a report unconfirmed, I think, we have not breached the levee," she said on a video of the day's disaster briefing that was obtained Thursday night by The Associated Press. "I think we have not breached the levee at this time."
in the wake of hurricane katrina, media heaped some congratulatory self-praise on itself, even though it quickly became apparent that it was not really deserved or warranted.
a coupla months back, senate minority leader harry reid bragged/crowed/announced:
last month, the fcc formalized a policy shift in support of a la carte cable line-ups: subscribers should be given the right to pick-and-choose their channels.
The number of channels viewed does not increase substantially until the number of available channels in the home rises above 110, Nielsen researchers said. Homes receiving more than 40 channels tuned in to 12 to 20 channels, according to the updated annual study released last month. In homes with an average of 158 channels available, 20 of them are actually tuned in.personally, i probably wouldn't benefit as my voracious tv viewing habits spread out over more than 20 channels
a russian cosmonaut aboard the international space station plans to break out the golf clubs during a spacewalk (found via the register). this is another one of those commercial deals with a golf company, but it carries its own risks
In a worst-case scenario, the ball would remain at the same altitude long enough that its orbital plane shifted until it could hit the station side-on, says J C Liou, an orbital debris expert at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, US. "Then you could potentially have something similar to a head-on collision with an impact speed of about 9.4 kilometres per second," Liou told New Scientist.i guess the ISS guys need to pass the time waiting for the US space shuttle program to get back up to speed
The force of such a collision would be equivalent to that of a 6.5-tonne truck moving at nearly 100 kilometres per hour. "So the outcome of the worst-case scenario could be quite catastrophic," he says. But he adds that such a dire scenario is "highly unlikely" to occur.
Sir John Skehel downplays the 'inevitability' of a bird flu pandemic, as any mutations from bird-to-human have actually weakened the bug. little birdies may have long-term problems, but the 'ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure' approach would be the best way to prevent the much hyped pandemic
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